22 March 2023
We are so grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in the three-month CORE Start program at the CORE Innovation Hub (September – December 2022). It was an incredible experience with speakers, coaches, and mentors from various backgrounds. The wealth of knowledge and experience they shared was invaluable.
Thank you, Renu Kannu, for making the program more engaging and for amazing mentors Nick Saunders, Jasmin Ward and Alex Bertram for their wisdom and advice. And congratulations to the amazing #COREStart participants WorkbenchX, Industry OneCARD, TechNautics and Cheeditha Energy Pty Ltd. Thank you to Michael Simms, Greg Riebe, and Harshita Gupta, for great constructive feedback and great advice. Thank you for the program partners For Blue, the City of Cockburn and the Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation.